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Amazon AlexaAktualisiert 2 years ago

How to setup and use Mysa with Amazon Alexa?

Mysa's integration with Amazon Alexa allows homeowners to control their thermostats with voice commands. The following are the commands you can use with Mysa and Alexa.

How to Connect to Alexa via the Mysa App

[insert screen recording]

Here’s the step-by-step:

  1. Ensure that your Mysa is paired to the App

  2. Tap on “Home Assistants” in the navigation menu.

  3. Select Alexa. (if the account is not linked, it will show as unlink next to the status)

  4. Tap on Link Account then Allow.

  5. Tap on allow when Alexa is opened.

  6. Then Tap on done when redirected in the Mysa App.

  7. You are now linked to Alexa, and it will now show Linked next to status in the Mysa App.

/note If you’ve previously paired with Alexa, you can only unlink via the Alexa app.

How to connect  to Alexa via Alexa App?

[insert screen recording]

Here’s the step by step: 

  1. Create a Mysa account, install your Mysa, and connect it to home WiFi network in the Mysa App. 

  2. Open the Alexa App .

  3. At the bottom, tap on devices.

  4. In the "Devices" tab the “+” icon on the top left, then Add Devices.

  5. Search and select “Mysa thermostat“.

  6. Tap on next, then enable the skills and follow the steps.

  7. After linking the account, proceed to setup the thermostats.

  8. When setup is complete, Alexa is ready to control your Mysa thermostats.

Voice Commands you can use with your

Some popular commands can be seen below:

  • Alexa, set the [Room Name] thermostat to off

  • Alexa, increase the temperature in the [Room Name]

  • Alexa, set the temperature in the [Room Name] to [Desired Temperature]

  • Alexa, set [Room Name] to [Auto, Cool, or Heat]

  • Alexa, what is the [Room Name] set to?

  • Alexa, what is the temperature in the [Room Name]?

  • Alexa, what is the humidity in the [Room Name]?

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